FaizanAnwerAli / Aptoide Apk Downloader JavaScript (Download APK directly to PC) [Beta] by (GL)BigBrother

// ==UserScript==
// @id              AptoideApkDownloaderScript
// @name            Aptoide Apk Downloader JavaScript (Download APK directly to PC) [Beta] by (GL)BigBrother
// @version         0.3
// @description     Download APK directly from Aptoide to PC
// @icon            http://i.imgur.com/Bacdt2p.png
// @icon64          http://i.imgur.com/et1aIiO.png
// @author          Faizan Anwer Ali <faizananwer2011@gmail.com>
// @match           http://*.aptoide.com/*
// @match           http://*.store.aptoide.com/*
// @match           https://*.aptoide.com/*
// @match           https://*.store.aptoide.com/*
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// @include         http://*.store.aptoide.com/*
// @include         https://*.aptoide.com/*
// @include         https://*.store.aptoide.com/*
// @exclude         https://*.aptoide.com/list/versions/*
// @exclude         http://*.aptoide.com/list/versions/*
// @grant           none
// @updateVersion   3
// ==/UserScript==

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    //Starts of functions or methods

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                    } else {
                        alert("You didn't click on App Info button first.\n\n         It's just Beneath the App name. like this [+ Info]\n\nClick on App Info button for once.\nThen close App Info Screen.\nIt will fetch data Automatically.\nNow you can click on Download APK button again");
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                        md5 = prompt("Copy and Paste MD5 checksum from App Info Screen");
                    } else {
                        alert("You didn't click on App Info button first.\n\n         It's just Beneath the App name. like this [+ Info]\n\nClick on App Info button for once.\nThen close App Info Screen.\nIt will fetch data Automatically.\nNow you can click on Download APK button again");
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            if ((url.charAt(8) === "m") && (url.charAt(9) === ".")) {
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                    if (errornumber > 1) {
                        md5 = prompt("Copy and Paste MD5 checksum from App Info Screen");
                    } else {
                        alert("You didn't click on App Info button first.\n\n         It's just Beneath the App name. like this [+ Info]\n\nClick on App Info button for once.\nThen close App Info Screen.\nIt will fetch data Automatically.\nNow you can click on Download APK button again");
            } else {
                var o = url.search("store.aptoide.com");
                o = o - 1;
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                var n = url.search("aptoide.com/app/market/");
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                if (md5.length == 32) {
                    var myurl = "http://pool.apk.aptoide.com/" + name + "/" + resturl + "-" + md5 + ".apk";
                    var input = prompt("Either Copy this Download Link\n                    OR\nClick OK button to Download APK", myurl);
                    if (input != null) {
                        window.location = myurl;
                } else {
                    if (errornumber > 1) {
                        md5 = prompt("Copy and Paste MD5 checksum from App Info Screen");
                    } else {
                        alert("You didn't click on App Info button first.\n\n         It's just Beneath the App name. like this [+ Info]\n\nClick on App Info button for once.\nThen close App Info Screen.\nIt will fetch data Automatically.\nNow you can click on Download APK button again");